1*DIGIT ["K" / "M" / "G"]
Numbers are given as ordinary positive decimal numbers. However, those numbers that have a tendency to be fairly large, such as message sizes, may have a "K", "M", or "G" appended to indicate a multiple of a power of two. To be comparable with the power-of-two-based versions of SI units that computers frequently use, K specifies kibi-, or 1,024 (2^10) times the value of the number; M specifies mebi-, or 1,048,576 (2^20) times the value of the number; and G specifies tebi-, or 1,073,741,824 (2^30) times the value of the number.
Only positive integers are permitted.
The magnitude in numbers is Implementor specific. But it is guaranteed to be at least 31 bits.
if size :over 100K {
Core : Requires no import statement